How to clean your cc folder sims 3
How to clean your cc folder sims 3

how to clean your cc folder sims 3

Repairing the game will replace the master files in the Resources folder. You can then repeat the copy/paste to add them to the ConfigOverride folder and edit away. If you have issues with the files you have edited, you simply trash them and the game will default back to the master game files in the Sims 4 app.

how to clean your cc folder sims 3 how to clean your cc folder sims 3

You can place copies of the GraphicsCards.sgr, GraphicsRules.sgr and Default.ini files in here and any changes you make to the copies will override the existing game files in The Sims > Contents > Resources. There is now a folder called ConfigOverride in the Sims 4 user data folder where your saves etc. Or you want to edit the files to override the in-game settings. This is helpful if you have a newer machine with a GPU that isn’t yet supported in the game. The September 2020 patch has introduced an easier way to edit the Sims 4 graphics files.

How to clean your cc folder sims 3